Small colleges are at risk of shutting their doors forever. These institutions face overwhelming costs, low enrollment, and increasing competition from online universities. Once a pillar of upward mobility and community, these institutions are losing their influence. This book suggests pivoting the mission and operations of these small colleges, which make up more than half of higher education, to weave deeper into communities in which they reside and make a significant and direct impact. Let’s do away with our single-minded focus on abstract research, change the role of the professor, and move to help our communities in a systematic way. This book focuses on how these institutions can take direct action to make a bigger impact on their areas of influence, draw more students, and breathe lifeblood into a withering middle America.
M . Wright. Phys. Teach. 61, 326-327 (2023).
E. Ochoa-Madrid*, L. Chau*, and M.J. Wright. . Phys. Teach. 60, 561 (2022). DOI: 10.1119/5.0046043
B. Kaufman, T. Paltoo, T. Grogan, T. Pena, J. P. St. John, and M. J. Wright (2017). Pulsed, Controlled, Appl. Phys. B 123, 58.
K. Teng, M. Disla, J. Dellatto, A. Limani, B. Kaufman, M. J. Wright (2015), . Review of Scientific Instruments, 86, 043114.
M. J. Wright (2015), . Euro. Phys. J. D. , 69, 6.
M.J. Wright. . Inside Higher Education. January 10, 2024.
M.J. Wright. Inside Higher Education. July 20, 2023.
M.J. Wright. . Faculty Focus. December 10, 2021
M.J. Wright. . Inside Higher Education. May 19, 2021
M.J. Wright. Academic Leader. Feburary 2021.
M.J. Wright. . Innovate Long Island. January 15, 2020.
M.J. Wright. University Business. November 1, 2019.
B. Conrad and M.Wright. Standing Out When Applying to a Graduate Program. The SPS Observer. Fall 2019.
M.J. Wright. Inside Higher Education. May 20, 2019.
M.J. Wright. . Faculty Focus. April 22, 2019.
M.J. Wright. . Faculty Focus. October 1, 2018.
M.J. Wright. . Diverse: Issues In Higher Education. April 26, 2018.
M.J. Wright. Inside Higher Education. October 31, 2017
P. Pieri, A. Perali, G.C. Strinati, S. Riedl, M.J. Wright, A. Altmeyer, C. Kohstall, E.R. S谩nchez Guajardo, J. Hecker Denschlag, and R. Grimm. (2011), . Phys. Rev. A, 84, 011608.
H.-I Lu, J. Rasmussen, M.J. Wright, D. Patterson, J.M. Doyle. (2011), . Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13, 18986.
S. Riedl, E.R. Sanchez Guajardo, C. Kohstall, A. Altmeyer, M.J. Wright, J. Hecker Denschlag, R. Grimm, G. M. Bruun, and H. Smith. (2008), . Phys. Rev. A, 78, 05369.
M.J. Wright, A. Pechkis, J.L. Carini, S. Kullish, R. Kosloff, P.L. Gould. (2007), . Phys. Rev. A, 75, 051401(R).
C.E. Rogers III, M.J. Wright, J.L. Carini, J.A. Pechkis, P.L. Gould. (2007), . JOSA B, 24, 1249.
A. Altmeyer, S. Riedl, C. Kohstall, M.J. Wright, R. Geursen, M. Bartenstein, C. Chin, J. Hecker Denschlag, and R. Grimm. (2007), . Phys. Rev. Lett., 98, 040401.
A. Altmeyer, S. Riedl, C. Kohstall, M.J. Wright, J. Hecker Denschlag, R. Grimm. (2007), . Phys. Rev. A, 76, 033610.
M.J. Wright, S. Riedl, A. Altmeyer, C. Kohstall, E. Sanchez, J. Hecker Denschlag, R. Grimm (2007), . Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 150403.
M.J. Wright, J.A. Pechkis, J.L. Carini, and P.L. Gould. (2006), . Phys. Rev. A, 74, 063402.
M.J. Wright, S.D. Gensemer, J. Vala, R. Kosloff, P.L. Gould. (2005), . Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 063001.
M.J. Wright, P.L. Gould, S.D. Gensemer (2004), . Rev. Sci. Instrum., 75, 4718.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Giuliano* and M.J. Wright. Developing a Community Outreach Program on the Physics of Smell. AAPT Winter Meeting. Orlando, FL. 2020. *NOTE Selected as an award winning poster.
Vidad* and M.J. Wright. Development of a Simple Numerical Model to Test Braess’ Paradox and Traffic Flow. PhysCon. Providence, RI 2019.
Lau*, J. St. John, and M.J. Wright. Building an Innovation Center from Scratch. PhysCon. Providence, RI 2019.
Khalid*, P. Russell*, J. St. John, and M.J. Wright. Analysis and Generation of Frequency Sidebands in a Lithium Niobate Phase Modulator. PhysCon. Providence, RI 2019.
Giuliano* and M.J. Wright. Developing a Community Outreach Program on the Physics of Smell. PhysCon. Providence, RI 2019.
Olivia Chierchio*, Charanpreet Singh*, James St. John, and Matthew Wright. Generation Optical Beating between Hyperfine levels in the Decay of Rb atoms Excited by Different Pulse Shapes. PhysCon. Providence, RI 2019.
Chierchio*, Z. Momin*, M Robbins*, A. Khalid*, and M.J. Wright.
Undergraduate Research Project on Characterization of Quantum Interference in Spontaneous Emission in an Atomic Gas with a Single Pulsed Laser. Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. Milwaukee, WI 2019.
Chierchio*, Z. Momin*, M Robbins*, A. Khalid*, and M.J. Wright.
Progress toward Coherent Control of Ultracold Collisions with Frequency-Chirped Laser Light. APS March Meeting. Boston, 2019.
Giuliano* and M.J. Wright.
Developing an Interactive Demonstration for the Science of Smell. APS March Meeting. Boston, 2019.
K. Oldja and M.J. Wright. Controlling Atomic Excitation with Frequency-Modulated Lasers. APS March Meeting. Los Angeles, 2018.
K. Tadesse and M.J. Wright. Control and Stabilization of Frequency and Intensity of an External Cavity Diode Laser. APS March Meeting. Los Angeles, 2018.
T. Grogan and M.J. Wright. Towards Control of Ultracold Collisions Using Frequency-Chirped Laser Light. APS March Meeting. New Orleans, LA 2017.
E. Ochoa-Madrid, L. Chau, and M. J. Wright. Creating an Interactive Video Vignette on the Topic of Torque. 2016 Quadrennial Physics Congress. San Francisco, CA 2016.
T. Pena, J. P. St. John, and M. J. Wright. Development of a Simple Optimization Algorithm for Use in Atomic Physics Experiments. 2016 Quadrennial Physics Congress. San Francisco, CA 2016.
T. Pena, J. P. St. John, and M. J. Wright. Development of a Simple Optimization Algorithm for Use in Atomic Physics Experiments. Frontiers in Optics: The 100th OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit/Laser Science XXXII. Rochester, NY 2016.
B. Kaufman, T. Paltoo, T. Grogan, and M. J. Wright. (2016). Pulse Controlled Frequency-Chirped Laser Light at Large Detuning for Use in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Experiments. In Annual Meeting of the American Physical鈥檚 Societies Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics.. Providence, RI.
B. Kaufman , T. Grogan , T. Paltoo, and M. J. Wright. (2016). Rapid Adiabatic Passage in a Rb gas with intense Frequency Chirped Laser Light. In APS March Meeting.. Baltimore, MD.
T. Paltoo, T. Grogan , B. Kaufman, and M. J. Wright. (2016). Controlled, Pulsed Frequency Chirped Laser Light at Large Detuning. In APS March Meeting.. Baltimore, MD.
M. J. Wright and B. Grifford. (2015). Learner Driven Podcasts in an Upper Level Physics Course. In AAPT Summer Meeting.. College Park, MD.
B. Kaufman, A. Limani, K. Teng, M. Disla, J. Dellatto, and M. J. Wright. (2015). Pulsed and Frequency Chirped Laser Light at Large Detuning. In Annual Meeting of the American Physical鈥檚 Societies Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics.. Columbus, OH.
A. Limani, K. Teng, M. Disla, J. Dellatto, B. Kaufman, and M. J. Wright. (2015). Pulsing Frequency Chirped Light at Large Detuning with an Injection-Locked Diode Laser. In 29th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research.. Seattle, WA.
M. J. Wright. (2014). Controlling Thermal Collisions with Frequency-Chirped Light. In Annual Meeting of the American Physical鈥檚 Societies Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics.. Madison, WI.
M. Disla and M. J. Wright. (2014). Progress Towards a Dense Atomic Beam. In APS March Meeting.. Denver, CO.
J. Dellatto, M. Disla, B. Kaufman, K. Teng, A. Limani, and M. J. Wright. (2014). Progress Toward Injection Locking a 795 nm Diode laser to a Microwave Modulated Sideband. In APS March Meeting.. Denver, CO.
M. J. Wright. (2014). Controlling Thermal Collisions with Frequency-Chirped Light. In APS March Meeting.. Denver, CO.
Drayna G K, Wright M, Chae E, Hemmerling B, and Doyle J M (2012). Progress towards MOTs of Yb and CaF, loaded from a slow buffer-gas beam. In The 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics ICAP 2012. Palaiseau, France.
M. Wright, H-I Lu, J. Rasmussen, D. Patterson, and J. Doyle. (2011). Towards Magnetic Trapping of CaH. Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Atlanta, Ga.
M.J. Wright, H.-I Lu, J. Rasmussen, D. Patterson, J.M. Doyle. (2011). Progress Toward Magnetically Trapping CaH. Tegernsee, Germany.
M.J. Wright, S. Riedl, A. Altmeyer, C. Kohstall, E. Sanchez, J. Hecker Denschlag, R. Grimm. (2007). Scissors Mode Oscillations for a Finite-Temperature Strongly-Interacting Ultracold Fermi Gas. In Annual Meeting of the American Physical鈥檚 Societies Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. Calgary, Canada.
M.J. Wright, J. Pechkis, J. Carini, P.L. Gould. (2006). Control of Ultracold Collisions with Frequency-Chirped Light. In International Conference of Atomic Physics. Innsbruck, Austria.
M.J. Wright, J. Pechkis, S.D. Gensemer, J. Vala, R. Kosloff, P.L. Gould. (2006). Ultracold Collisions with Frequency-Chirped Light: the Influence of Chirp Direction. In Annual Meeting of the American Physical鈥檚 Societies Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. Lincoln, NE.
M.J. Wright, P.L. Gould, S.D. Gensemer, J. Vala, R. Kosloff. (2004). Ultracold Collisions Induced by Frequency-Chirped Light. In International Conference of Atomic Physics. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
M.J. Wright, P.L. Gould, S.D. Gensemer, J. Vala, R. Kosloff. (2004). Ultracold Collisions Induced by Frequency-Chirped Light. In Annual Meeting of the American Physical鈥檚 Societies Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. Tucson, AZ.
M. J. Wright and W. Johnson. (1999). Thermal Equilibration of a Critical Fluid. In American Physical Society鈥檚 Centennial Meeting. Atlanta, Ga.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Matt Wright (2016, September). Atomic Physics with Nanosecond Frequency Chirped Laser Light. Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus, Reading, PA.
Matt Wright (2015, October). Control of Ultracold Collisions with Frequency Chirped Laser Light. Atomic Physics Seminar at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY.
Matt Wright and Bridget Grifford (2015, April). Learner Developed Podcasts in an Upper-Level Undergraduate Physics Course. 茄子视频's: Teaching, Learning and Technology Conference., Garden City, NY.
Eugenia Villa Cuesta and Matt Wright (2014, July). Fruit Flies, Magnetic Fields and Space Travel. 茄子视频, Garden City, NY.
M. J. Wright (2014, January). Laser Cooling Dilute and Dense Gases. Brooklyn Tech High School, Brooklyn, NY.
M. J. Wright (2013, November). Controlling Thermal Collisions with Frequency-Chirped Light. Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Galloway, NJ.
M.J. Wright (2013, March). The Luck of Teaching: A Workshop Exploring Teaching Successes, Challenges, & Serendipity. 茄子视频, Garden City, NY.
M. J. Wright (2013, January). Negotiating Faculty Offers Panel. FAS Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at Harvard University., Cambridge, MA.
Wright, M. J. (2012, February). Cold Source for Atom and Molecule Laser Cooling Experiments. Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA.
Wright, M. J. (2012, February). Cold Source for Atom and Molecule Laser Cooling Experiments. AMO Seminar, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Wright, M. J. (2011, August). Progress Toward Magnetically Trapping CaH. Seminar, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany.
Wright, M. J. (2011, January). Progress Toward Magnetically Trapping CaH. Hot Topic Talk, Ringberg castle workshop on Cold and Controlled Molecular Collisions., Tegernsee, Germany.
Mohring, R and Wright, M. J. (2009, June). Inside the operations of an intermodal rail terminal. Princeton Consultants: Quarterly Meeting, Princeton, NJ.
Other Work
Other Work
Mentor for Tracy Paltoo鈥檚 article:
T. Paltoo. A Journey of Creation. Physics Today Daily Edition. 10.1063/PT.5.2019 (2014).
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