Hazy, J.K., Lichtenstein, B. B., Demetis, D.S., Backström, T., Dooley, K. J. (2023). Value Sinks: A Process Theory of Corruption Risk during Complex Organizing. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences,27(3), pp. 319-350.
Hazy J. K. (2021). Frontiers in Human Dynamics,3, DOI=10.3389/fhumd.2021.620399.
Hazy, J.K. & Prottas, D, J. (2018). Journal of Managerial Issues 30(3), pp. 325-348.
Gibbons, J. & Hazy, J. K. (2017). , Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 27(3), 299-316.
Hazy, J.K. and Boyatzis, R.E. (2015), . Frontiers in Psychology, 6:806, 40.
Hazy, J. K. (2013), . International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, 2, 52-73.
Hazy, James K. & Uhl-Bien, Mary (2015), . Leadership, 11(1) doi: 10.1177/1742715013511483, 79-104.
Hazy, J. K. (2018). Complexity, Governance & Networks, 4(1), p. 59-79 DOI: 59
Lindhult, E. & Hazy, J. K. (2016). . Int. J. Complexity in Leadership and Management,3(1/2), 112-138.
Hazy, J. K. & Backström, T. (2013), . Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 15(4), i-ix.
Hazy, J. K. & Backström, T. (2013), . Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 15(4), 91-111.
Hazy, James K. (2012), . International Journal of Society Systems Science, 4(3), 222-241.
Hazy, J. K. & Ashley, A. (2011), . Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 13(3), 57-79.
Hazy, J. K (2011), . International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, 1(2), 164-191.
Moskalev, S. & Torras, M., Hazy, J.K., & Ashley, A. (2011), . International Journal of Sustainable Systems.
Hazy, J.K., Ashley, A., Moskalev, S. & Torras, M. (2011), . International Journal of Society Systems Science, in press.
Goldstein, J., Hazy, J. K., & Silberstang, J. (2010), . Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 101-125.
Hazy, James K., Moskalev, S, & Torras, M (2009), . International Journal of Society Systems Science.
Hazy, J. K. & Silberstang, J. (2009), . International Journal of Learning and Change, 3(3), 230-247.
Silberstang, J. & Hazy, J. K. (2008), . The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 13(3), Article 5.
Hazy, J. K., Torras, M., & Ashley, A. S. (2008), . Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 3(3), 45-54.
Goldstein, Jeffrey A. & Hazy, James K (2008), . Emergence: Complexity & Organization (E:CO), 10(3), v-vii.
Goldstein, Jeffrey A, Hazy, James K., & Silberstang, J. (2008), . Emergence: Complexity & Organization (E:CO), 10(3), 9-24.
Hazy, James K. (2008), . Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, & Life Sciences, 12(3), 281-310.
Hazy, J. K. (2007), Computer Models of Leadership: Foundation for a New Discipline or Meaningless Diversion? The Leadership Quarterly, Special Issue, 391-410.
Goldstein, Jeffrey A & Hazy, James K (2006), Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue: Complexity to Leadership and Back to Complexity. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 8, v-vii.
Hazy, James K. (2006), Measuring leadership effectiveness in complex socio-technical systems. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 8(3), 58-77.
Surie, Gita & James K Hazy (2006), Generative leadership: Innovation in complex environments. Emergence: Complexity & Organization, 8(4).
Hazy, J. K., B. F.Tivnan & D. R. Schwandt (2004), Permeable boundaries in organizational learning: computational modeling explorations. InterJournal Complex Systems (Online), Manuscript number 1063, 1-8.
Hazy, J. K., B. F. Tivnan & D. R. Schwandt (2004), Modeling social structure as network effects: Computational evidence that rewarding learning improves performance. InterJournal Complex Systems (Online), Manuscript number 1062, 1-8.
Hazy, J. K., Tivnan, B. F., & Schwandt, D. R (2003), The Impact of Boundary Spanning on Organizational Learning: Computational Explorations. Emergence, 5, 86-124.
Goldstein, J., Hazy, J. K., & Lichtenstein (2012). Complexity and the Nexus of Leadership: leveraging nonlinear science to create ecologies of innovation (paperback edition). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Palgrave Macmillan.
Goldstein, J., Hazy, J. K., & Lichtenstein, B. (2010). Complexity and the Nexus of Leadership: leveraging nonlinear science to create ecologies of innovation. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Palgrave Macmillan.
Goldstein, Jeffrey, Hazy, James K., Silberstang, J. (2009). Complexity Science and Social Entrepreneurship: Adding social value through systems thinking. Mansfield, Ma: ISCE Publishing.
Hazy, James K., Jeffrey Goldstein & Benyamin Lichtenstein (eds) (2007). Complex Systems Leadership Theory. Mansfield, MA, MA: ISCE Publishers.
Hazy, J.K. (2021). In A. Minai, & D. Braha (Ed.). Unifying Themes in Complex Systems, Volume 10. Berlin: Springer Complexity Publishing.
Hazy, J.K. (2019). . In J. P. Sturmberg, (ed.) Embracing Complexity in Health, Basel, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 223-235.
Hazy, J.K. & Wolenski, P. R. (2018).. In E. Mitleton-Kelly, Prof. A. Paraskevas, C. Day (Eds). Edward Elgar Handbook of Research Methods in Complexity Science: Theory & Application. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
James K. Hazy and Mary Uhl-Bien (2014). . In David V. Day (Eds.). Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
James K Hazy and Tomas Backstrom (2014). . In Miriam Grace and George Graen (Eds.). Millenial Spring: Designing the future of organizations. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Hazy, J. K., Tivnan, B. F., & Schwandt, D. R (2012). . In Y. Bar-Yam, A. Minai, & D. Braha (Eds.). Unifying Themes in Complex Systems, Volume 5. Boston, MA: Springer Complexity Publishing.
Hazy, J. K., Tivnan, B. F., & Schwandt, D. R. (2012). . In Y. Bar-Yam, A. Minai, & D. Braha (Eds.). Unifying Themes in Complex Systems, Volume 5. Boston, MA: Springer Complexity Publishing.
Hazy, James K. (2011). In Allen, P., Maguire, S,, & McKelvey, B,, (Eds.). SAGE Handbook of Complexity and Management. London, United Kingdom: Sage.
Hazy, James K. (2009). Innovation Reordering: Five principles for leading continuous renewal. In Schlomer, S. & Tomaschek, N (Eds.). Leading in Complexity: New Ways of Management. (pp. 300). Seiten, Germany: Verlag fur Systemische Forschung.
Hazy, James K. (2009). . In G. B. Graen & J. A. Graen (Eds.). Predator's Game-Changing Designs: Research Based Tools - Volume 7 LMX Leadership: The Series. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers.
Goldstein, J. A., Hazy, J. K. & Silberstang, J. (2009). Complexity Science & Social Entrepreneurship: Editorial Introduction. In Goldstein, J. A., Hazy, J. K. & Silberstang, J. (Eds.). Complexity Science & Social Entrepreneurship. Mansfield, MA: ISCE Publishing.
Goldstein, J. A., Hazy, J. K. & Silberstang, J. (2009). Complexity and Social Entrepreneurship: A Future of Possibilities. In Goldstein, J. A., Hazy, J. K. & Silberstang, J. (Eds.). Complexity Science and Social Entrepreneurship. Mansfield, MA: ISCE Publishing.
Hazy, J. K. Moskalev, S. & Torras, M. (2009). Toward a theory of social value creation: Individual agency and the use of information within nested dynamical systems. In Goldstein, J. A., Hazy, J. K. & Silberstang, J. (Eds.). Complexity Science and Entrepreneurship. Mansfield, MA: ISCE Publishing.
Hazy, James K. & Joyce Silberstang (2009). The emergence of social identity as a means for creating and sustaining social value. In Goldstein, J. A, Hazy, J.K., & Silberstang, J (Eds.). Complexity Science and Social Entrepreneurship: Adding social value through systems thinking. Mansfield, MA: ISCE Publishing.
Hazy, J. K., Surie, G. (2007). Generative Leadership: Nurturing innovation in complex systems. In Hazy, J.K. Goldstein, J.A. & B.B. Lichenstein (Eds.). Complex Systems Leadership Theory. (pp. 13-26). ISCE Publishing.
Hazy, J. K. (2007). Chapter 13: Leadership of Luck?: The System Dynamics of Intel's Shift to Microprocessors in the 1970s and 1980s. In Uhl-Bien, M & Marion, R (Eds.). Complexity & Leadership Part 1: Conceptual foundations. Information Age Publishers.
Hazy, J. K. (2007). Chapter 14: Patterns of leadership: A case study of influence signaling in an entrepreneural firm. In Uhl-Bien, M & Marion, R (Eds.). Complexity & Leadership Part 1: Conceptual foundations. Information Age Publishers.
Hazy, J. K., Millhiser, & Solow, D. (2007). Mathematical and computational models of leadership: Past and future. In J. K. Hazy, J. Goldstein & B. B. Lichtenstein (Eds.). Complex Systems Leadership Theory. (pp. pp.345-370). Mansfield, MA: ISCE Publishing.
Hazy, J.K., Goldstein, J. A. & Lichtenstein, B (2007). Complex systems leadership theory: An introduction. In J. K. Hazy, J. Goldstein & B. B. Lichtenstein (Eds.). Complex Systems Leadership Theory. (pp. pp.345-370). ISCE Publishing.
Panzar, C., Hazy, J.K., McKelvey, B., & Schwandt, D. R. (2007). The paradox of complex organizations: Leadership as integrative influence. In J. K. Hazy, J. Goldstein & B. B. Lichtenstein (Eds.). Complex Systems Leadership Theory. (pp. (pp. 345-370)). ISCE Publishing.
Hazy, J.K. & Mahmoodi, K. (in press). Chapter 12: Modeling the Leadership Influence Process. In Wall, F., Chen, S-H, & Leitner (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Agent-based Computational Management Science (pp. TBD). Oxford: Oxford University Publishing.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Hazy, J. K. (2023). " How Technology-Augmented Leadership Can Enable Workers to Increase the Value of Their Social Capital: Influence Process Structural Learning and the APPRECIATOR Algorithm." Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2023.
Hazy, J. and M. S. Erogul (2022). "Leadership and Social Complexity: How Individual Interactions Scale to Organized Agency." Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2022(1): 866-866.
Hazy, J. K. & Erogul, M.S. (2021). At the Academy of Management Annual Meeting on August 3, 2021.
Hazy, J. K. (2021). At the 31st Annual Conference of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and the Life Science (SCTPLS).
Hazy, J. K. (2020). Corruption Risk in Complex Human Systems: Emergence Session. International conference on Complex Systems 2020: Emergence Session in Boston on July 20, 2020.
Hazy, J.K. & Erogul, M. S. (2019). Building a Culture of Leadership for Tomorrow’s Complex Global Organizations. Symposium paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago on August 13, 2018.
Alexy, N. & Hazy J. K. (2019). Two Sides of the Same Coin? A Dialogue on the Co-existence of Hierarchical and Collective Leadership. Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Boston on August 13, 2019.
Hazy, J.K. & Erogul, M. S. (2019). Collective Leadership or Leading in a Collective? Exploring Network Effects and Scaling Dynamics in Structural Hierarchies during Complex Organizing. Symposium paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Boston on August 13, 2019.
Alexy, N. & Hazy J. K. (2018). Studying collective leadership as a complex, dynamic and co-created phenomenon. Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago on August 13, 2018.
Hazy, J. K. & Prottas, D. (2017). How Complexity Leadership Enables Both Organizational Efficacy and Resilience: Validation Study to Distinguish Leadership Interaction Modes during Organizing. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Atlanta on August 7, 2017.
Hazy, J. K., Lichtenstein, B., Demetis, D., Dooley, K. & Backstrom, T. (2017). Notes on the Complexity of Corruption. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Atlanta on August 7, 2017.
Hazy, J. K., Dooley, K. Lichtenstein, B., Demetis, D. & Backstrom, T. (2016). Toward a Complexity Definition of Corruption. Paper presented at a symposium of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA on August 8, 2016.
Hazy, J. K. (2015). A Category Theoretic Perspective on Emergence in Teams. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Symposium on Studying the Emergence in Teams Using Multiple Methods, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Gibbons, J & Hazy, J. K. (2015). Growing a Large-Scale Social Enterprise: How Goodwill Industries® Succeeds as a Hybrid Organization. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting (pp. 40). Academy of Management – Vancouver, BC, Canada. August 9, 2015.
Hazy, J. K. (2015). A Human Interaction Dynamics (HID) Perspective. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Professional Development Workshop on Applying Complexity to Consulting, Research & Teaching, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Erik Lindhult, James K Hazy (2014). Emergent Innovation: Towards a Complexity Theory of Innovation Research and Management. In ISA World Congress of Sociology. (Presented by Erik Lindhult), Yokohama, Japan.
Hazy, J. K. & Cürüklü, B. (2014). Influence Process Structural Learning and the Emergence of Collective Intelligence. In Collective Intelligence Conference (Paper accepted but not presented) (pp. 20). MIT, Boston, MA.
Erik Lindhult and James K Hazy (2014). Complexity approach to joint value discovery in Service Innovation Management. In XXV ISPIM Conference – Innovation for Sustainable Economy & (pp. 15). Dublin, Ireland.
Hazy, J. K.. (2013). Emergent Innovation and Value Creation in Product-Service Systems (PSS). In INFORMS. Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Hazy, J. K. (2013). Generative Leadership Practices and Value Identification. In INFORMS (pp. 21). Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Hazy, J. K. (2013). Human Interaction Dynamics Caucus. In Academy of Management. Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Hazy, J K. (2013). Rethinking Complexity Leadership. In Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings (pp. 6). Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
James K. Hazy (2012). Leadership as Process: A theory of formal and informal organizing in complex adaptive systems. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting (pp. 35). Boston, MA.
James K Hazy & Allan Ashley (2012). Human Beings as Agents in Complex Adaptive Systems: Challenges and Opportunities. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting (pp. 12). Boston, MA.
James K Hazy & Gita Surie (2012). Human Interaction Dynamics(HID): Developing a Complexity Research Agenda. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting (pp. Caucus). Boston, MA.
James K. Hazy & Thomas Shinick (2012). Parameterizing innovation: The cusp catastrophe as potential function. In Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and the Life Sciences Annual Conference (pp. 25). Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
Hazy, James, K (2011). From Convenience Sampling to Crowd Sourcing: Complexity Methiods in Organizational Research. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting. San Antonio Texas.
James K Hazy, Jeffrey Goldstein, & Joyce Silberstang (2010). A Complexity Model of Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Context, Mechanisms & Emergence. In Best Conceptual Paper Award: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (pp. 35). Montreal.
Goldstein, J., Hazy, J. K., Silberstang, J. & Schultz, R. (2009). Social Entrepreneurship Has Complexity Science Written All Over It. In Skoll Foundation International Social Innovation Research Conference. Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
Hazy, James K. (2009). Leadership through Social Networks. In Academy of Management (pp. 29). Chicago, Illinois.
Hazy, James K. (2009). As Complexity Goes, So Goes the Leadership. In Academy of Management (pp. 27). Chicago, Illinois.
Hazy, J. K (2009). Complexity in Human Systems. In Academy of Management - PDW. Chicago, Illinois.
Hazy, James K. (2008). Toward a Complexity Context for Leadership: How a Complex Systems Perspective Changes Where Leaders Focus Attention and What They Do. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting (pp. 35). Anaheim, CA..
Hazy, James K. & Silberstang, J. (2008). Leadership within Emergent Events in Complex Systems: Micro-Enactments and the Mechanisms of Organizational Learning and Change. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting (pp. 35). Anaheim, CA..
Hazy, James K. (2008). Toward a Theory of Emergent Agency in Collectives: Influence Power Laws and Evolutionary Selection in the Garbage Can. In Proceeding of the Second Congress of Social Simulation (pp. 12). George Mason University.
Hazy, James K. & Marion, Russ (2008). The Meaning of Far From Equilibrium Conditions in Organization Science. In Organization Science Winter Conference 2008. Squaw Valley, California.
James K. Hazy (2008). Emergent Agency: Identifying Power Law Distributions in the Garbage Can. In Organization Science Winter Conference 2008. Squaw Valley, California.
Hazy, James K. (2008). Discussant: A Complexity Leadership Panel to Discuss Leadership in Extreme Situations. In Organization Science Winter Conference 2008. Squaw Valley, California.
Hazy, James K. (2007). Leading Large: How disambiguation and changing reputations lead to back propagation learning in organizations. In Festschrift honoring Jerry Hunt (pp. 19). Lubbuck, TX.
Hazy, James K. (2007). Parsing the influential increment in the language of complexity. In Academy of Management Annual Conference (pp. 39). Philadelphia, PA.
Hazy, J.K., M. Torras & A. S. Ashley (2006). Re-conceptualizing value creation when input resources are limited but knowledge is not. In United Nations Forum: Business as Agent of World Benefit. Case Western University.
Lichtenstein, B. B., Uhl-Bien, M., Marion, R., Seers, A., Orton, J. D., Schreiber, C., Hazy, J. K. (2006). Leadership in Emergent Events: Exploring the Interactive Process of Leading in Complex Situations. In Academy of Management (pp. 35). Atlanta, Georgia,.
Hazy, J. K. (2006). Computer Models of Leadership: Meaningless diversion or foundation of a new discipline? In Academy of Management (pp. 51). Atlanta, GA.
Hazy, J. K. (2006). Leadership as an Organizational Meta-Capability: A System Dynamics Simulation of Leadership. In Academy of Management (pp. 38). Atlanta, GA.
Tivnan, B. F., Hazy, J. K., & Schwandt, D. R. (2006). Modeling Social Structure as Network Effects: Computational Evidence That Rewarding Learning Improves Performance. In Academy of Management (pp. 41). Honolulu, HI.
Hazy, J. K., (2006). Leadership, Organizational Capabilities and Sustainability: The Leadership and Capabilities Model (LCM). In Academy of Management (pp. 43). Honolulu, Hawaii.
Hazy, James K. (2006). Emergent signaling networks in complex socio-technical systems: How cooperative interactions among agents contribute to system sustainability. In Proceeding of the North American Association for Computational Social and Organization Science (pp. 8). Emergent University of Notre Dame, South Bend ,Indiana.
Hazy, J. K. & B. F. Tivnan (2004). On Building and Organizationally Realistic Agent-Based Model of Local Interaction and Emergent Network Structure. In INFORMS Winter Simulation Conference. Washington DC.
Hazy, J. K. (2004). Measuring the Effectiveness of Leadership in Complex System. In Emergence, Complexity and Organization (ECO) (pp. 28). Washington DC.
Hazy, J. K., Tivnan, B. F., & Schwandt, D. R. (2004). Permeable Boundaries in Organizational Learning: Computational modeling explorations. In Academy of Management (pp. 39). New Orleans, Louisiana.
Hazy, J. K. & B. F. Tivnan (2003). Simulating Agent Intelligence as Local Network Dynamics and Emergent Organizational Outcomes. In INFORMS Winter Simulation Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Hazy, J. K. (2022). The New Discipline of Work Team Process Engineering. Keynote Speaker at Cluj Economics of Business Seminar Series, December 15, 2022 at Clij-University, Romania.
Hazy, J. K. (2018). Complexity Lessons on Leadership. Learning Innovation Laboratory at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA.
Hazy, J. K. (2018). Leading Through Emergent Organizing. Learning Innovation Laboratory at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA.
Hazy, J. K. (2017). Invited panelist for a conference on: Embracing Complexity in Health: The Transformation of Science, Practice and Policy, which will be held at The George Washington University in Ashburn, Virginia Oct 27-28, 2017.
Hazy, J. K. (2016). Leadership in Complex Organizing: Balancing Effectiveness and Resilience. Trinity Health Systems: Ministry Leadership Academy, Chicago, Illinois.
Hazy, J. K. (2016). What is Leadership? Trinity Health Systems: Ministry Leadership Academy, Chicago, Illinois.
Hazy, J. K. (2016). What is Complexity? Trinity Health Systems: Ministry Leadership Academy, Chicago, Illinois.
Hazy, J. K. (2012). Komplexa organisationer och innovationsledning i komplexa system. Invited presentation for Mälardalen University, Eskilstuna, Sweden.
James K Hazy (2012, March). Complex Systematizing Performance and Adaptation: Human Interaction Dynamics and Leadership. George Washington University, Ashburn, VA.
James K. Hazy (2011, July). Linking Social Value Creation and Leadership. Hull University, Hull UK.
Hazy, James K (2009, April). Linking Strategy, Leadership & Results: Leading in Complex Environments. The George Washington University, Ashburn, VA.
James K. Hazy (2008, October). Complex Systems Leadership Theory: How Complexity Science Is Changing Management. University of Augsburg, Germany.
James K. Hazy (2008, June). Complexity, Leadership & Such. The George Washington University.
James K Hazy (2008, May). Modeling Leadership in Organizations: Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity Using Computer Simulations. Association for Psychologial Science, Chicago Il.
James K. Hazy (2007, June). Complex Systems Leadership. George Washington University, Ashburn, Virginia.
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