ࡱ> X[UVWa 0[bjbjڥڥ 0R\R\4&|| !!!8@!$!h$pP%"r%r%r%M&M&M&$h  QM&M&QQ r%r%"BmBmBmQ r% r%BmQBmBm.7Hr%0|xtY@80h :^z l M&,y5 BmO@HM&M&M& c M&M&M&hQQQQ M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&|> :   CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Roni Berger 275 W 96th St. #24G NY NY 10025 (917) 359 3513  HYPERLINK mailto:berger@adelphi.edu berger@adelphi.edu EDUCATION Degree Institution Location Dates of attendance Ph.D. Hebrew University Jerusalem 1987-1994 Diploma in Tel Aviv University School Tel Aviv 1974-1977 Psychotherapy of Medicine/Continuing Ed. MSW Hebrew University, Paul Jerusalem 1971-1975 Summa Cum Laude. Berwald School of Social Work BSW Hebrew University, Paul Jerusalem 1966-1969 Summa Cum Laude. Berwald School of Social Work PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Full time 2004-present Professor, Ƶ School of Social Work. 1999- 2004 Associate Professor, Ƶ School of Social Work. Assistant Professor Ƶ School of Social Work. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Paul Berwald School of Social Work. Responsibilities: Instructor & Director of field work (1988-1990). 1980-1981 Israel Defense Forces/unit for disadvantaged youth. Part time 2011, 2013 Visiting professor, Tel Aviv University, Israel 2006-2008 Visiting professor, Bar Ilan University, Israel 2001 Visiting scholar Melbourne University, Australia 2001-2002 Visiting professor La Trobe University, Australia 2002 Visiting professor Smith College, Mass. 1999-2004 Visiting professor Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel 1993-2007 Consultant, The Jewish Board of Families and Children Service, NY. 1991-1993 Adjunct professor, Columbia University School of Social Work 1993 Adjunct professor Yeshiva University NY 1977-1980 Supervisor social workers & youth workers of youth in distress, Lod Municipal Department of Social Services. 1987 Program director, community health services, Kupat Holim (HMO) Tel Aviv. Instructor, Tel Aviv University School of social Work. 1981-1987 Director of continuing education program for training of parents groups facilitators, Tel Aviv University School of social Work 19741980 Clinical social worker & supervisor, Ramat-Chen Clinic for mental health, Tel Aviv. 1973- present Private practice. Individual, marital and family psychotherapy and counseling. 1973-1989 Consultant with a variety of social, educational and health agencies. 1972-1974 Teaching & research assistant, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Supervisor workers youth in distress, Sociological Services, Ramat Gan. 1970-1971 Social worker: Provider of direct services to children, adolescents and their families, Mental Health clinic, Tel Hashomer Hospital. SCHOLARLY & PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS PUBLICATIONS (* indicates refereed) BOOKS * Berger, R. (2015). Stress, trauma and posttruamtic growth: Social context, environment and identities. NY: Rutledge. * Weiss, T. & Berger, R., Eds. (2010). Posttraumatic growth and culturally competent practice: Lessons learned from around the globe. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. * Berger, R. (2004). Immigrant women tell their stories. NY: Haworth Press. Polsky, H. W. & Berger, R. (2003). From custodialism to community: Transforming residential settings. International University Press. * Berger, R. (1998). Stepfamilies: A multi-dimensional perspective. NY: Haworth Press. Ausalnder, G., Berger, R. et. al. Eds., (1989), Cases in social work, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Berger, R., Ben Shahak, I. & Kadman, I., Eds., (1988), Social work in Israel. Israeli Association of Social Workers. Berger, R. Ed. (1988), Parents groups  collected papers, Tel Aviv University (Hebrew). Berger, R., (1987), My Ron, A book for children about adoption (Hebrew). * Rosenfeld, M.J., BarOren, J. & Berger, R., (1975), Allocations to children in young families, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Hebrew). BOOK CHAPTERS * Berger, R. (2012). Trauma and social work practice. In C. Figley, Ed. The encyclopedia of trauma (700-703). Sage. DOI: 10.4135/9781452218595.n242 Arajo Dawson, B., & Berger, R. (2010). Culturally responsive professional schools: Addressing the needs of diverse students. The One Voice International Collection of Scholarly Works, (1, xx-xx). One Voice Institute of Elementa; Ethics and Education, LLC, Glenside, PA ISBN 978-1-4507-5216. * Weiss, T. & Berger, R. (2008). Posttraumatic growth and immigration: Theory, research and practice implications. In S. Joseph & P. A. Linley (Eds.). Trauma, recovery, and growth: Positive psychological perspectives on posttraumatic Stress (93-104). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. * Berger, R. (2008). Fostering posttraumatic growth in adolescent immigrants. In L. Liebenberg & M. Ungar, Eds. Resilience in action: Working with youth across cultures and contexts (87-110). Toronto: Toronto University press. * Berger, R. (2006). Clinical Perspective of treating stepfamilies. In A. Roizblatt, Ed. Family Therapy (659-676). Santiago, Chile: Editorial Mediterraneo (Spanish) * Berger, R. (2005). It takes a community to raise an adolescent: Community based clinical services for immigrant adolescents. In A. Lightburn & P. Sessions, Eds. Community based clinical practice (441-458). NY: Oxford University Press. * Berger, R. (2004). Helping immigrants from the former Soviet Union. In C. Rabin, ed. Gender & Ethnicity (129-148). London: Brooks/Cole. * Berger, R. (2001). Adolescent immigrants: Advantages and principles of group work. In L. Kacen & R. Lev, (Eds.). Group work in a multi-cultural society (123-134). (Hebrew). * Berger, R. (2001). Immigration and mental health: Principles for successful social work practice. In R.P. Perez-Koenig & B.D. Rock, eds., Social Work in the era of evolution: Toward a just practice (159-176). NY: Fordham University Press. * Berger, R. (2001). Migrating identities: Immigrant women re-making their lives. In Working with the stories of womens lives (211-223.). Adelaide: Dulwich Centre Publications. * Berger, R (2000). Remarried families of 2000: Definitions, descriptions and interventions. In W.C. Nichols, M.A. Pace-Nichols, D.S. Becvar & A.Y. Napier (Eds.). Handbook of family Development: Dynamics and therapeutic interventions (371-390). NY: Wiley. * Berger, R. (1999). Adolescent immigrant groups: Issues, obstacles and principles. In H. Bertcher, L. Kurtz & A. Lamont (Eds.), Rebuilding communities: Challenges for group work (141-150). NY: Haworth Press. * Berger, R. (1999). Immigrants from the former Soviet Union: Characteristics, issues & strategies for intervention. In C. Rabin, (Ed.). Being different in Israel (97-119). Tel Aviv, Israel: Ramot. (Hebrew). * Shemesh, I. & Berger, R., (1989), Evaluation of the effects of a program against school dropout on the adjustment of highschool students, in Golan, M., Hovav, M. & Wosner, J., (Eds.), Social Work & Correctional Services, Tel Aviv, Papyrus, (Hebrew). ARTICLES IN REFEREED JOURNALS Berger, R. (2017). Conducting research under the radar: Using a case study for studying populations off the social mainstream. Research Methods Case Health, London: Sage. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526411648 Berger, R. (2017). Conducting an unplanned participant observation: The case of a non-birder in bird watchers' land. Forum: Qualitative Social research. 18 (1).  HYPERLINK "http://nbn-" http://nbn- resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs170187 Berger, R. & Quiros, L. (2016). Best practices for training trauma informed practitioners: Using a qualitative approach to elevate supervisors voice. Traumatology, 22(2), 145-154. Berger, R. & Paul. M. S. (2015). Teaching cultural aspects of trauma practice in a study abroad immersion course: Challenges and Strategies. International Social Work. DOI: 10.1177/0020872815611198 Berger, R. & Calderon, O. (2015). Helping those who learn to help: Practice wisdom during a community disaster. Reflections, 20(1), 17-25. Paul, M. S. & Berger, R. (2015). Eleven days in Israel: A unique and innovative experience in teaching trauma practice. Reflections, 20(2), 63-71. Berger, R. (2015). Challenges and strategies in social work and social welfare PhD education: Helping candidates jump through the dissertation hoops. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 35 (1-2), 166-178. DOI: 10.1080/08841233.2014.973548. Berger, R. (2015). Challenges and coping strategies in leaving an ultra-orthodox community. Qualitative Social Work, 14 (5), 670-686. DOI: 10.1177/1473325014565147 qsw.sagepub.com Quiros, L. & Berger, R. (2015). Responding to the sociopolitical complexity of trauma: An integration of theory and practice. Loss and Trauma. 20(2), 149-159 DOI:10.1080/15325024.2013.836353 Berger, R. (2014). Going OTD: The Experience of Leaving Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Communities. Jewish Journal of Sociology, 56 (1/2), 75-98. Berger, R. & Quiros, L. (2014). Supervision for trauma informed practice. Traumatology, 20(4), 296-301. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/h0099835 Berger, R. & Paul, M. (2013). Plurality of methodologies to bridge the gap between research and practice: A case study in infertility research. Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 15(1) Art. 8,  HYPERLINK "http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs140185" \t "_blank" http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs140185 Berger, R. (2013). Incorporating EBP in field education: Where we stand and what we need. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 10(2), 127-135. DOI:10.1080/15433714.2012.663663 Berger, R., Paul, M. S. & Henshaw, L. A. (2013). Women experience of infertility: A multi- systemic perspective. International Journal of Women Issues. 54(1), 54-68. Berger, R. (2013). Now I see it, now I dont: Researchers position and reflexivity in qualitative research. Qualitative Research 10.1177/1468794112468475 Berger, R. & Paul, M. S. (2011). Using email for family research. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 29 (3), 197-211. DOI: 10.1080/15228835.2011.609768 Nuttman-Shwartz, O. & Berger, R. (2012). Field education in international social work: Where we are and where should we go. International Social Work, 55 (2), 225-243, DOI: 10.1177/0020872811414597; 0020872811414597 Frith, L. J., Blyth, E., Paul, L. & Berger, R. (2011). Conditional embryo relinquishment: Choosing to relinquish embryos for family building through an embryo adoption programme. Human Reproduction; doi: 10.1093/humrep/der313 Blyth, E., Frith, L. J., Paul, M. S. & Berger, R. (2011). Embryo relinquishment for family- building: How should it be conceptualised? International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 25(2), 260285 doi:10.1093/lawfam/ebr003 Berger, R. (2011). The golden cage: Western women living in a compound in Saudi Arabia. Journal of International Women Studies, 12 (1). 38-54. Paul, M. S., Berger, R., Blyth, E. & Frith, L. J. (2010). Relinquishing frozen embryos for conception by infertile couples. Families, Systems & Health.28, 258-273. Berger, R. (2010). Encounter of a racially mixed group with stressful situations. Groupwork. 19, 28-41. Berger, R. (2010). EBP: Practitioners in search of evidence. Journal of Social Work, 10, 175- 191. Berger, R. & Joyce, P. (2010). From research to practice: Developing and delivering a culturally competent trauma curriculum for child welfare practitioners after 9/11. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma. 3, 25-35. Paul, M. S., Berger, R. Berlow, N., H. Rovner-Ferguson, Figlerski, L., Gardner, S. & Malave, A. F. (2010). Posttraumatic growth and social support in individuals with infertility. Human Reproduction, 25, 133-141. doi: 10.1093/humrep/dep367 Crohn, H., & Berger, (2009). What works for whom: Evaluating two agency-based training programs. Journal of Education in Social Work. 12, 27-37. Berger, R. & Weiss, T. (2008). The posttraumatic growth model: An expansion to the family system. Traumatology, 15, 63-74.doi:10.1177/1534765608323499 Berger, R. & Paul, M.S. (2008). Family secrets and family functioning: The case of donor assistance. Family Process, 47, 553-566. Berger, R., Mullin, J. & Stein, L. (2008). Videoconferencing: A viable teaching strategy for social work education? Social Work Education. 27, 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/02615470802308625 . Berger, R. & Rosenberg, E. (2008). The experience of abused women with their childrens law guardians. Violence against Women, 14, 71-92. DOI: 10.1177/1077801207311859 Paul, M. S. & Berger, R. (2007). Topic avoidance and family functioning in donor assisted families. Human reproduction, 22,2566-2571. Also: doi: 10.1093/humrep/dem174 Joyce, P. & Berger, R. (2006). Which language Does PTSD Speak? The Westernization of Mr. Sanchez. Journal of Trauma Practice, 5 (4), 53-67. Berger, R. & Weiss, T. (2006). Posttraumatic Growth in Latina immigrants. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 4 (3), 55-72. DOI:10.1300/J500v04n03_03 Weiss, T. & Berger, R. (2006). Reliability and validity of a Spanish version of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. Journal of Social Work Research, 16, 191-199. Also at  HYPERLINK "http://RSW.sagepub.com/content/vol16/issue2" http://RSW.sagepub.com/content/vol16/issue2 DOI 10.1177/1049731505281374 Berger, R. (2003). The impact of class size on teaching social work practice with groups. Arete. 27, 1-8. Berger, R. & Weiss, T. (2003). Immigration and posttraumatic growth a missing link. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Services, 1, 21-39. Berger, R. (2002). Teaching research in practice courses. Social Work Education, 21, 347- 358. Berger, R. (2000). When remarriage and immigration coincide: The experience of Russian immigrant Stepfamilies. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 9, 75-96. Berger, R. (2000). Gay stepfamilies: A triple stigmatized group. Families in Society, 81, 504- 516. Also in J.M. Lehmann, Ed. (2001). The Gay and Lesbian Marriage and family reader (171-194). Nebraska: Gordian Knot Books. Berger, R. (2000). Stepfamilies in cultural context. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 33, 111-130. Berger, R. (2000). The goodness of fit between reflecting team approach and stepfamilies' problems and issues. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 19, 43-55. Berger, R. & Malkinson, R., (2000). "Therapeutizing" research: The positive impact of research on participants. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 70, 307-314. Berger, R. (1998). The experience and issues of gay stepfamilies. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 29, 93-102. Berger, R. (1998). Suddenly the light went on: Using group work to empower returning students. Groupwork, 10, 21-29. Berger, R. (1997). The common logic of social work research and practice. Social Work & Social Science Review, 7, 112-121. Berger, R. (1997). Adolescent immigrants in search of identity: Clingers, Eradicators, Vacillators and Integrators. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 14, 263-275. Berger, R. (1997). Immigrant stepfamilies. Contemporary Family Therapy, 19,361-370. Berger, R. (1996). A comparative analysis of different methods of teaching group work. Social Work with Groups, 19, 79-89. Berger, R. (1996). Characteristics of adolescent immigrants from the former Soviet Union. The Jewish Social Work Forum, 32, 42-50. Berger, R. (1996). Group Work with immigrant adolescents. Journal of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy, 6 (4), 169-179. Berger, R. & Shechter, Y. (1996), Girls in distress guidelines for therapeutic intervention. Adolescence, 31), 709-719. Berger, R. (1996). Three types of stepfamilies. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 24, 35- 50. Also in C. Everett, ed., (1996). Understanding stepfamilies: Their structure and dynamics. NY: Haworth Press. Berger, R. (1994). A multi-dimensional typology of non-clinical stepfamilies. Welfare & Society, 14, 265-278. (Hebrew). Berger, R. (1994). Children draw their stepfamilies. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 5, 33- 48. Berger, R. & Shechter, Y. (1989), Adolescent girls in distress  a high risk intersection, Adolescence, 2, 357-375. Berger, R. & Shechter, Y. (1989), Guidelines for treatment of adolescent girls in distress, Society & Welfare, 9, 344-356 (Hebrew). BergerRegev, R. & Shechter, Y. (1987), Girls in distress, Society & Welfare, 7, 225-239 (Hebrew). Teichman, J., Berger, R., Ziv, D. & Balamouth, R., (1987), Family Evaluation  the circumplex model (primary data), Sichot, 1, 16-26, (Hebrew). BergerRegev, R. (1986), Two models of leading parents' groups, Society & Welfare, 7, 174181 (Hebrew). Berger, R. & Granot, R. (1985), Changes of patterns of drug prescription by general practitioners following an intervention program, Physician's Information, 41, (Hebrew). BergerRegev, R. (1983), Social work in a generalpractice medical clinic, Society & Welfare, 5, 271281, (Hebrew). BergerRegev, R. (1977), Issues in streetgroup work, Society & Welfare, (Hebrew). RESEARCH REPORTS Berger, R. & Crohn, H. (2007). Evaluation of the efficacy of two agency-based training programs. NY: The Jewish Board of Family and Children Services. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Berger, R. (2014). Book review: Post traumatic growth in clinical practice. Journal of Social Work, 14(4), 441-443. Berger, R. (2013). Trauma and social work practice. A Knowledge Black for MOOC1000 Trauma, New Orleans: Tulane University. Berger, R. (2013). Book review: Immigration worldwide: Policies, practices and trends. Journal of Social Work, 13(4), 440-442. Berger, R. (2013). Book review: Finding and evaluating evidence: Systematic reviews and evidence basedpractice. Journal of Social Work, 13(3), 331-332 Ruzek, J. I., Shalev, A.Y., Castro, C., de Jong, J., Keane, T.M., Rosen, R.C., Vermetten, E. Adjukovic, D., Arntz, A., Bailey, K., Beck, J. G., Berger, R., Brunet, A., omo, A., Foa, E., Freedman, S., Grey, N., Landes, S., Margaryan, S., Neuner, F., Pilling, S., van den Berg, C., Yksel, S. (2013) Competency Training, Assessment, and Outcomes for Trauma Care Providers: Recommendations from the NATO Advanced Research Workshop. Berger, R. (2011). Book review: Douglas H. Sprenkle, Sean D. Davis & Jay L. Lebow Common Factors in Couple and Family Therapy. Journal of Social Work, 11, 335-336, doi:10.1177/14680173110110030504 Berger, R. (2011). Book review: Robert Taibbi, Doing Couple Therapy: Craft and Creativity in Work with Intimate Partners. Journal of Social Work, 11, 336-338, doi:10.1177/14680173110110030505 Berger, R (2011). Impressions and thoughts of an incidental tourist in Tunisia in January 2011. Journal of International Women Studies, 12, 177-178. Berger, R. (2010). Review: The ethics of migration research methodology: Dealing with vulnerable immigrants. Ilse van Liempt & Veronica Bilger (Eds.), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 31, 446-447. Berger, R. (2009). Review: Ann Levin and Christina Silver (2007). Using software in qualitative research: A step-by-step guide. Forum: Qualitative Research, 10, Art. 23,  HYPERLINK "http://www" http://www. qualitative-research.net Berger, R. (2005). Professional social work education in the US: Issues and trends. Beer Sheva University Department of Social Work Newsletter, # 27. November (Hebrew). Berger, R., Joyce, P. A., Lynn, M. & Gregg, G. (2002). Working with the effects of trauma in At Risk Families. Protocol developed for NYC Administration for Children Services/ Project Liberty. Berger, R. (2001). Social workers in times of trauma. Update. National Association of Social Workers, 26(3), 1&9. Berger, R. (2001). Parenting in stepfamilies: Social attitudes, parental perceptions and parenting behaviors in Hongt Kong (book review). Journal of Marriage and the Famiy, 63, 278- 279. Berger, R. (1996). From Comsomol to group work: Myths and realities in group work with immigrants from the former Soviet Union. NY: The Jewish Board of Family and Children Services/The Emigre Mental Health Training Program. Polsky, H.W. & Berger, R., (1995). Therapeutic juvenile boot camp. Treatment Today, 7(2). PRESENTATIONS AND PAPERS (* indicates refereed; ** indicates keynote) 2016 Race in supervision: Challenges and strategies, Ƶ, August 25, 2016 (with L. Quiros) 2016 Adolescents self-salience and well-being: The Israeli case , Joined World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Seoul, Korea, June 27-30. (With R. Savaya and T. Ronen) 2016 Intimate Partner Domestic violence: Critical Perspectives. Joined World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Seoul, Korea, June 27-30. (With S. Ramon, M. Shamai and E. Allegri). 2016 Domestic Violence and Posttraumatic Growth, Continuing Education, Care Rite Centers LLC, April 26 2016 PTG, Continuing education Hearth and Soul, April, 3. 2016 Posttraumatic Growth and Self Care, Continuing Education, Care Rite Centers LLC, March 24 2015 Vicarious traumatization of health care providers and self-care. The Phoenix Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, October 23 2015 Negative and positive effects of trauma Continuing education Hearth and Soul, September, 27 2015 Immersion study abroad for teaching social work: An educational frontier. Annual Program Meeting (APM), Council of Social Work Education (CSWE), Denver, Colorado, October 17, 2015 (with M. S. Paul). ** 2015 Cultural aspects of posttraumatic growth. Diversity and Equity in Mental Health/Addictions conference. University of Toronto, May 15. 2015 Culture and positionality in trauma research: A bi-cultural perspective, 5th European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR) University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 23 (with M. Shamai) 2015 Trauma in the context of war and peace panel moderator. Adelphi, May 11. 2014 Understanding and Addressing Trauma in Cultural Context. Interdisciplinary forum on trauma. Adelphi, November 1. *2014 Supervision for trauma informed practice. Tenth International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Garden City, NY, June 13 (with L. Quiros) *2014 Integrating of research thinking and knowledge in field education principles and strategies. Third International Conference on Practice Research. NY, June 10. *2014 Leaving an Insular Community: The Case of Ultra-Orthodox Jews. The 4TH European Conference for Social Work Research, Bolzano, Italy, April 15-17, 2014. 2013 leaving an insular community: The case of ultra orthodox Jews. Grand Round, Adelphi Canceling Center, September 23, 2013. *2013 Human rights and social justice in international social work education. Global Health and Well-Being: The Social Work Response. NY, June 19 (with O. Nuttman- Shwartz and R. Ranz) 2012 Posttraumatic growth. A panel on trauma. Center for health Innovations. Adelphi, November 12. **2011 Posttraumatic growth in the context of immigration. Conference on Models of Success in the Ethiopian Migration. Ashkelon College, Israel, December 19, 2011. ** 2011 Posttraumatic growth VA Brooklyn Center, December 9, 2011. 2011 Posttraumatic growth: Conceptualization, research and practice implications. Tzfat Academic College, Israel *2011 Helping racially mixed groups in the encounter with a stressful experience: New insights into emerging challenges. The International Association for Group Psychotherapy, Porto, Portugal, 9/8-10, 2011. *2011 Challenges and Strategies in Integrating EBP in Clinical Supervision. The Seventh International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Garden City NY, June 10. **2011 Teaching Evidence Based Practice in Field Education. Long Island Field Educators. Sagamore Childrens Center, March 11. * 2010 Posttraumatic growth. CSWE/APM, Portland, Oregon, 10/15, 2010. *2010 Arajo Dawson, B., & Berger, R. (2010, November). Culturally responsive professional schools: Addressing the needs of diverse students. One Voice International Conference and Forum. Tarrytown, N.Y. 11/6/2010 *2010 Posttraumatic growth in cross cultural contexts: Theoretical, empirical and clinical aspects. European Society for Trauma and Dissociation, Belfast, April 8-11 (with T. Weiss) *2010 From Research to Practice: Developing and Delivering a Culturally Competent Trauma Curriculum for Child Welfare Practitioners after 9/11. European Society for Trauma and Dissociation, Belfast, April 8-11 (with P. Joyce). *2009 Conducting electronically-based qualitative research: Challenges and strategies. Advances in Qualitative Methods. International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, Vancouver, Canada, October 8-11. *2009 Trauma and its Aftermath in Cross-Cultural Contexts: Research and Professional Education. National Conference for Academic Disciplines, Malta, February 25. 2008 Family secrets, Adler Institute in Israel, June, 18. 2008 The unspoken: Families who conceived with donor assistance, A colloquium, Bar Ilan University, Israel, June, 17. 2008 Integrating evidence-based knowledge in professional education. Ƶ School of Social Work (training workshop for adjuncts), April 7. 2007  HYPERLINK "http://www.ackerman.org/training_workshops_12.htm" Clinical socio-political aspects of working with victims of national trauma. The Ackerman Institute for the Family and Family Therapy (with M. Shamai). November 3.  * 2007 University-community partnership. Annual program Meeting of the Council of Social Work Education. San Francisco, October 28 (with H. Crohn & R. Greenberg) 2007 Clinical aspects of serving stepfamilies. The Adler Institute, Hertzelia, Israel. *2007 Professional social workers perception of an agency-based in service training program: What works and what does not. Yeshiva University Wurzweiler School of Social Work 50th Anniversary. NY (with H. Crohn). *2006 The Spanish version of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. The 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Los Angeles, California, November (with T. Weiss). 2006 The experience of previously abused divorced mothers with law guardians of their children (with E. Rosenberg). Nassau County Department of Social Services), April 19. 2006 What does not kill you makes you stronger: Theoretical, empirical and clinical perspectives of Posttraumatic growth. Ƶ, April 28. * 2006 Researchers position and reflexivity in qualitative research. Society for Social Work and Research. San Antonio, Texas. January. 2006 Posttraumatic growth: Theoretical, empirical and clinical aspects. The Adler Institute, Hertzelia, Israel. * 2005 Is group work global? 27 Annual International Symposium on Social Work with Groups. Minneapolis, Minnesota, September (with C. Cohen & I. Masank), November. * 2005 Fostering posttraumatic growth in immigrant adolescents. Pathways to Resilience: An International Conference. Halifax, Canada, June 15-17. * 2004 Immigrant women: U.S., Israel and Australia. Social Policy as if People Matter. Adelphi University, November. **2004 We and I: From custodialism to community in residential care. The interdisciplinary center for the study of policy and treatment in children and adolescents. Tel Aviv University School of Social Work, Israel, July. 2003 Co-chair, In the best interest of the child: Issues and challenges in law guardianship. Adelphi. November. Research on the experience pf abused and divorced women with their childrens law guardians (with E. Rosenberg). *2003 What language does PTSD speak: Clinical social work, cultural competence and diagnosis. (with P. Joyce) VIII European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Berlin, May. 2003 Immigrants and refugees mental health. Ƶ School o Social Work Mental Health Conference. Garden City, NY. March. *2002 a. Group work with people affected by stress and trauma in Israel and the United States; b. Pre conference institute: Group work with workers regarding trauma. 24th Annual International Symposium on Social Work with Groups, NY, October. *2002 Narratives of immigrant women. International Conference Representing Gender in Cultures. Lodz, Poland, September. **2002 Multi-cultural and multi-generational approaches to crisis and trauma. The Annual Symposium of the Queens mental Health Council, the Queens Interagency on Aging and Queensboro Council for Social Welfare, May. **2002 Transition, change and the family, Ƶ School of social Work Family Therapy Conference, April. Helping the helper: Coping with secondary trauma, (in collaboration with Dr. J. Geller). Martha K. Selig Education Institute Center for Trauma Program innovation, JBFCS, NY, March. Studying from traumatized communities, Ƶ event Six Month After (invited presentation), March. *2002 Studying The Narratives of Immigrant Women. The 8th Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada **2001Community trauma & working at capacity: The challenge for field instructors. The Greater New York Area Schools of Social Work Annual Symposium for Field Instructors. NY., December. 2001 Coping with trauma lessons from personal and clinical experience. Ƶ Master Class on responding to the WTC tragedy, September. *2001 Mental health issues of immigrant women. Diversity in Health: Sharing global perspective. Sydney, Australia, May. *2001 The best of both worlds: Combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies in studying stepfamilies. Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Social Research, Wollongong, Australia, May. *2000 Stepfamilies: Complex families in complex societies. American Family Therapy Academy Annual Meeting, San Diego. June. *2000 Stepfamilies: An example of inequity. Joint Conference of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of Social Work. Montreal, Canada, September. *1999 a. Class size and the experience of learning group work; b. The role of groups in building a community in residential care. (in collaboration with H.W. Polsky) Annual Symposium for the Advancement of Group Work, Denver, October. * 1999 a. Using group work to help adolescent immigrants; b. Using small groups to change the organizational culture of residential institutes. (in collaboration with H.W. Polsky) Group work and group therapy in a multi-cultural society. Beer-Sheva, Israel, July. Meet the author- a panel of writers of recently published books. CSWE, San Francisco. *1999 Stepfamilies: A multi-dimensional perspective. 57th Annual Conference of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, Chicago. October. *1998 a. Helping families in transition; b. mainstreaming residential institutions. (in collaboration with H.W. Polsky). The Joint World Congress: Peace and Social Justice. Jerusalem, Israel, July. *1998 Preventive practice with stepfamilies. 56 Annual Conference AAMFT, Dallas, Texas, October. *1998 Stepfamilies: A cross-cultural perspective. National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, November. *1997 Immigration & mental health. Annual Conference of the Agenda for Children Tomorrow, Fordham University School of Social Service, Harlem Delivery Service & JBFCS. Fordham University NY, January. *1997 Immigrant families. 9th World Family Therapy Congress. Jerusalem, Israel. *1997 Creativity and stepfamilies, the 55th Annual Conference of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, Atlanta, GE, September. *1997 Master Class: Using non-verbal techniques in group work. The XIX Symposium of the Association for the Advancement of Group Work, Quebec October. *1996 Using group work to empower returning students. CSWE, Washington DC. February. A four stage change model for residential systems: From a disciplinary environment to creative empowerment (in collaboration with H.W. Polsky). Finding better ways: Working with high-risk youth and families. Cambridge, Mass, March. *1996 Immigrant stepfamilies. AAMFT Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, October. *1996 Group work with adolescent immigrants. The 18th Annual Symposium of the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups. Ann Arbor, October. *1995 Working with adolescent immigrants and their families in school systems. Hartman conference on children, Connecticut, June. 1995 Structured group work. (in collaboration with Polsky H. & Bakal Y.). The Albert E.Trieschman Center National Conference, Boston, March. *1995 Using qualitative research to study stepfamilies. Ontario, Canada, May. *1995 Myths & realities in therapy with stepfamilies. 7th World Family Therapy Congress. Guadalajara, Mexico, June. *1995 The theory and practice of structured group work (in collaboration with H. Polsky). Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups. San Diego, California, October. *1995 Principles of treating stepfamilies. The Israeli Association of Marital and Family Therapy. Tel Aviv, Israel, March. Structured group work with homeless youth. ELEM - Association for Youth in Distress. Tel Aviv, Israel *1994 a. Introducing group work to a bilingual program in school setting: b. Using community theater in group work with adolescent immigrants: The Russian experience. The 16th Annual Symposium, Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, New York, October. *1993 Group work with Russian adolescents in Brighton Beach. The 15th Annual Symposium Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, New York, October. *1991 Children draw their stepfamilies, International Congress on Family Therapy, Jerusalem, March. *1990 Issues in educating social workers in health services. 3rd Conference on Social Work in Health Services, Ramat Gan. *1989 Loss in stepfamilies, International Congress on Family Therapy, Dublin, June. *1988 Computers in Rehabilitation: Panel member. National Conference on Rehabilitation, Tel Aviv. *1987 Stepfamilies  an alternative lifestyle, Annual Conference of Schools of Social Work, RamatGan. *1987 Family therapy in health services, National Conference on Social Work in Health Services, Tel Aviv. *1986 Issues in educating parents groups facilitator, Annual Conference of the Israeli Association of Social Workers, Tel Aviv. *1986 Girls in distress (In collaboration with Shechter, Y.) National Conference of Correctional Services, Tel Aviv. *1985 Changes in Prescription of Sedative by General Practitioners in a Slum Clinic following an Intervention Program, National Conference on Social Work in Health Services, Haifa. *1984 Family Oriented Therapeutic Work with Parents of Adolescents, National Conference on Family Therapy, Haifa. *1983 Social Work in Primary Care Clinics, Annual Conference of Israeli Association of Social Workers, Jerusalem. *1982 Stepfamilies  State of the Art, International Conference of Family Therapy, Tel Aviv. GRANTS & HONORS 2013 Invited consultant to Kadambari Memorial College of Science & Management, Kathmandu, Nepal, March 2013. 2013 Adelphi Faculty Development Grant to study the experience of young adult who leave an insular community: From Ultra- Orthodox Judaism to secular life ($1400). 2012 NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme Advanced Research Workshop on applying evidence-based training to disseminate effective services for trauma survivors.Amsterdam, April 25-26, 2012 2011 Fulbright Senior Specialist, Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Israel. 2010 International Faculty development Seminar. CIEE/IFDS. 2007 Fulbright Senior Specialist, City University of Hong Kong 2006-2007 The Center for the Study of Social Work Practice (a joint project of Columbia University School of Social Work and the Jewish Board of Family and Children Services) a grant to support an evaluation research of the IN-Service and the Advance Training Programs in JBFCS. 2004 Adelphi President Research Award for studying posttraumatic growth in Latina immigrant women (with T., Weiss) $2000 2002 Federal Emergency Medical Assistance grant for developing a curriculum for Working with the Aftermath of Trauma. (with M. Lynn,P. Joyce & G. Gregg). 2001 Research institutional grant, Ƶ. Latina immigrant women $1500 1995 Research institutional grant, Ƶ. Immigrant stepfamilies $5000 1994 Summer fellowship of the Institute for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. MISCELLANEOUS 2011 Impressions from a visit to Tunisia. Academic minute, Inside Higher Education. March, 9. ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES 2016 Site visitor CSWE 2010-present Reviewer Sage publications. 2009-present Reviewer Routledge. 2008-present External assessor, University of Malaya, Kuala Lampur 2008-present Australian Social Work 2007-present Reviewer British Journal of Social Work 2006-present Reviewer Journal of Peace Research 2005-present Reviewer United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation 2004-2005 Representative of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) to the United Nations. 2003-2011 Member Porter-Cason Institute Board, Tulane University School of Social Work. 2002-presnet Research Associate, the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, San Diego, California. 2001-present Member Editorial Board of the Forum of Qualitative Social Research (FQSR). 2001-2003 Member International Board of Fifth Annual Advances in Qualitative Methods. 20012011 The Editorial Board of Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Services. 2001-present Reviewer International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 2001-2003 Service on Association of Social Work Boards as item writer for certification examination 2000-2011 Member International Board of Elem, an organization for youth in distress in Israel. 1995-1997 The International Advisory Board of the 7th International Conference on Family Therapy. 1994-present Reviewer for Journal of Marriage & the Family. 1993-2011 Member of the International Board and co-chair professional committee of ELEM NY, an organization for youth in distress in Israel 1992-present Member, Council on Social Work Education. 1992present Clinical member, American Association of Marriage & Family Therapy. 1992-present Member National Association of Social Workers. 1992-present Member International Family Therapy Association. 1992-present Member Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups. Editorial board of the Israeli Newsletter of Social Workers. 1986-1989 Committee of International Relationship, Israeli Association of Social Workers. 1986 Board of Center for Adoptive Families. Board of the Israeli Association of Marital & Family Therapy. Director of professional events. 1982-90 Steering Committees on various topics in social work, especially in the field of family therapy, services for children & adolescents and social work in health services. UNIVERSITY SERVICE 2016-1017 Institutional review Board 2015-2016 Strategic Planning Committee Subgroup on Academic Technology, Teaching and Learning 2015-2016 Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Affairs 2016 Global education program 2013-2015 Planning committee of The Changing Nature of War and peace initiative & sub-committee on related events for the professional community 2013 Middle States 1998-2001/2009-2012 Faculty Committee for Retention, Tenure and Promotion 2009 Provost Search Committee 2009 Faculty Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Work Award Committee 2008-2009 Faculty Development Award Committee 2008-2009 Middle States Steering Committee 2007-2009 Advisory Committee Parenting Center 2007-2008 Center for Social Innovation advisory committee 2006-2009 Committee for research awards. 2006 Committee for developing criteria for academic excellence 2007-2009 Mentor to untenured faulty: Dr.s Abu-Ras, Chernack, Panchanadeswaran. 2004 Dean Search Committee 2004 Ad Hoc personnel Committee 2003-2008 Institutional mentor to two Hartford fellows (Drs. Rozario and Zodikoff). 2002-2005 Member University International Committee 1996 Master class for Freshmen Orientation University Senate 1995 International Committee SCHOOL SERVICE Inspire committee, Manhattan center 2015-2017 Provide Continuing Education workshops on Trauma and PTG to community agencies. Led study abroad courses Ghana (2008), Israel (2014). Ad Hoc Lodge Prize Committee (2013) Ad Hoc Technology Committee (2013) Task force on licensing (2011-2012) Task force on School Culture, Racism, Power & Privilege (2011-2012) Co-chair Search Committee (2010-2011) Representative to the Consortium of Metropolitan Schools of Social Work to enhance students preparation to serve immigrants (2008-2009). Academic standards, chair (2006-2007) Curriculum Committee, chair (2001 2004, 2011-present) Students Experience co-chair (2008-2009) Committee of Practice (1993-1999; chair 1996-1999) Committee of admission (1993-1999; chair 1995-1999). Search Committee (1998-1999; 2001- 2003) Self study & Re-accreditation Committee (20012003) Research Committee (2001 present) Doctorate Committee (2001 2011) Unit Peer Review Committee (2003-2009). Committee of Undergraduate Students Committee of Field Education In addition, I am frequently speaking in University events for students and faculty. A few Examples include a presentation to the Levermore Global Scholar Program about Tibet (October 2011, a faculty development presentation about NATOs perspective relative to applying evidence-based training to disseminate effective services for trauma survivors (November 2012), presentation on qualitative research to a doctoral seminar in the Derner Institute, a presentation about Cross cultural faces of trauma in a program After the storm to educate community service providers about helping survivors of hurricane Sandy (November 2012). COURSES SWK 306 Services for children Undergraduate Modern Condition I Undergraduate Modern Condition II - Undergraduate SWK 520 Foundation Social Work Practice: Individuals and families - Graduate SWK 521 Foundation Social Work Practice: Groups and communities -- Graduate SWK 557 Social Work Research Graduate SWK 728 Advanced Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents Graduate. SWK 758 Advanced Social Work Research Methods Graduate SWK 780 Advanced Social Work Practice with Individuals Graduate SWK 782 Advanced Social Work practice with Groups - Graduate SWK 786 Advanced Social Work Practice with Families Graduate SWK 788 Immigrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Issues and Interventions - Graduate SWK 728 Advanced Social Work Practice with Children & Adolescents SWK 752 Stress, Trauma, Coping and Posttraumatic Growth (developed course) graduate SWK 846 Social Work with Families: Theory and Research (developed course) doctorate (developed course) SWK 882 Research Methods: Qualitative (new course; developed by applicant) Doctorate Seminar for field educators (SIFI) SWK 876 Research of small relational systems - doctorate (developed course) OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES Dissertation advisement Griffith Susan. Attachment theory, day care, security, pro-sociability/ altruism (1996) Feldman Edward. Loneliness and physician utilization in a primary care population (1998) Kraus Andrea. Stress of fathers of children receiving early intervention services (1998) de Vidas Michael. Latino therapists and their perceptions of psychopathology toward Latino gay male clients (1999) Phyllis Arlow Hopelessness, negative symptoms and global functioning in schizophrenics (2001). Constance Quinns - Organizational context, organizational culture and ethical dilemmas of social workers (2004). Angela C. Chang Psychological adjustment and attachment to adoptive mother in pre- adolescent recent adoptees (2007). Marylyn S. Paul Topic avoidance and family functioning in families with donor assisted conception (2007). Fran Iaaso - Parenting style and locus of control in suicidal male adolescent (2008). Joanne Quinn-Bears The experience of mothers who adopted children through the welfare system (2009). Selena Rodgers Availability of and satisfaction with social support and post traumatic growth in Latina immigrant women in refugee-like situations (2009) Ana A. Carrion - Determinants of academic success in Latino middle school students (2010). Patti Juliana Service utilization and clients outcomes in people with dual diagnosis (1998- 2005). Sherry Wiener - Role conflict & role ambiguity of school social workers (1998- 2003; student was assigned to another advisor). Dianne Casso-Morris - Adoption of second wave computers applications in direct social work practice (1999 - 2002). Gila Kalev - Combat performance and post traumatic growth in Israeli soldiers (2000 - 2003). Robert Blaney (2001-2002) - Relationship between patients locus of control and attendance of post hospitalization support groups. Lisa Ashkenazi court-based medication program, degree of litigation and parents satisfaction with procedural justice (2006 2007) Regina Varin-Mignano Perceived social support in single mothers raising children diagnosed with autism (2005-2007) Stacey Nelson Social workers supervisory alliance and organizational commitment (2005- 2010) Carolyn Rassiger Teacher-student relationship and academic success in Latino middle school students (2011). Frieda Oelbaum The lived experience of orthodox Jewish youth who dropped out of school. (2008-2011) Teselin T. Joseph- the experience of Indian grandmothers who relocated temporarily to help raise their grandchildren in the US (2008-2011). Martha Ayala specific research question under development; field of interest: compliance in individuals diagnosed with a severe mentally illness (2007-2011) Donna Bryant - Locus of control, self-efficacy and academic achievement of homeless adolescent African American males (20102011). Anat Anais Bar The experience of underserved minority abused women (2012). Michele Sanzone Perceived parental availability and cyber bullying in adolescents (2013) Karin (Tzipporah) Wisansky Early maladaptive schemas in orthodox Jews (2013) John Rizzi Self sexual perception and parental competence of gay fathers (2013). Michelle Brown Barriers to service utilization in pre emancipated youth in congregate care (2014) Elizabeth Carpentered The experience of mothers of young children born unexpectedly with Down Syndrome (2014) Shelly Cepeda The experience of mothering experience of immigrant women who left their children beyond (2015). Amy Olshever The experience of health home attendants (2015) Tara Bullin Pregnancy related diseases and attachment of mothers to their babies (2007- present; on medical leave) Victoria Grinman Stress, distress and PTG in mothers of children diagnosed with Autism (2013-present) Nicole Mogavero The experience of parents whose children with special needs transition from home to school based services (2012-present) Lisa Henshaw The experience of traumatized individuals whose trauma reactions were not diagnosed (2013-present) Kate Werner - Knowledge, attitudes, and use of evidence-based practices for the treatment of substance use disorders in older adults (2015 present) Gary Kwok Parents children relationships in Chinese immigrant families (2016 present). Institutional mentor for two non-tenured Hartford fellows (Philip Rozario 2002-2005, Bradley Zodikoff 2006 - 2009). Faculty Liaison and academic advisement MSW students Supervision of independent studies. Facilitation of a workshop to incoming international students (2016) School representative to the NYC consortium for promoting immigrant related content in child welfare (2008-2009) Schools Liaison to the Long Island chapter of the Association for Advancement of Social Work with Groups (1998). Doctoral dissertation committee member at the School of Social work and other schools (e.g. Derner, Nursing). Member Committee on interdisciplinary center for health professions (Chair: J. Wetzel - 1996- 1998). Society of Mentors (1994-1996). Participation in recruitment abroad activities (e.g. interaction with prospective students and with local recruitment agencies abroad, informal mentoring international students from Israel when they are at Adelphi (1993- 1998).     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